Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bucket of Beetles

Night after night a plethora of beetles have been slipping through the window cracks to keep me company - whether it be to cozy up in my tangled mane of hair or to repeatedly dive bomb my computer screen, eventually collapsing on the keyboard and zoning out to the mesmerizing glow of what they must deem as heaven.  I wonder if they are disappointed when, after they have rammed the source of that sweet light to past exhaustion, they fail to be consumed by the divine.  Today while combing my hair on the stoop, I absentmindedly glanced to the right, and to my surprise discovered a Bucket of Beetles strategically placed underneath my window sill.  There they sat, swarming, waiting at the gates.


  1. Gathering each day, waiting for nightfall and a chance to spy a glimpse of heaven. Nice story, great pictures -- from a distance.
