Thursday, September 23, 2010

SPECIES LIST, i.e. those species that I saw AND also think I have successfully identified.


1. White-bellied go away bird: Criniferoides leucogaster
2. Von der Decken’s hornbill: Tockus deckeni
3. Red-billed hornbill: Tockus e. erythrorhyncus
4. Superb starling: Lamptotorns superbus
5. Pied crow: Corvus albus
6. Wood warbler: Phylloscopus ibikatrix
7. Grey-capped social weaver: Pseudonigrita arnaudi
8. Red-billed quelea: Quelea quelea aethipica
9. Somali ostrich: Stuthio (camelus) molybdophanes
10. Vulture guinea fowl: Acryllium vulturinum
12. Ring-necked dove: Streptopelia capicola semalica
13. White-browed scrub robin: Cercotrichas leurophrys
14. Speckled mousebird: Colius striatus kikuyuensis
15. Greater blue-eared starling: Lamprotornis c. chloropterus
16. Purple grenadier: Uraeginthus ianthinogasta
17. Marico sunbird: Nectarinia mariquensis snarelica
18. D’Arnaud’s barbet: Trachyphorus darnaudii
19. Hadada ibis: Bostrychia hagedash brevivostis
20. Cardinal woodpecker: Dendropicos fuscescens
21. Sprosser (or thrush) nightingale: Luscinia luscinia
22. Yellow-necked spurfowl: Francolinus leucoscepus
23. Green-capped Eremomela: Eremomela scotops kikuyensis

24. Grey headed sparrow: Passer griseus
25. Common bulbul: Pycnonotus barbatus tricolor

26. Grey-wren warbler: Calamonastes simplex
27. Slate-coloured bou bou: Laniarius funebris
28. Grey-backed camaroptera: Camaroptera brachyura tincta
29. Black-capped social weaver: Pseudonigrita cabanisi

30. Wire-tailed swallow: Hirundo r. rustica

31. Southern black flycatcher: Melaenornis pammelaina
32. Fan-tailed raven: Corvus rhipidurus
33. Common drongo: Dicrurus a. adsimilis
34. Lappet-faced vulture: Torgos t. tracheliotus

35. Laughing dove: Streptopelia s. senegalensis

36. Emerald –spotted wood dove: Turtur chalcospilos
37. Speckle-fronted weaver: Sporopipes frontalis emini
38. Vitelline masked weaver: Ploceus velatus uluensis
39. Kori bustard: Ardeotis kori struthinunculus

40. Speckled pigeon: Columba g. guinea

41. Rufous Chatterer: 
42. Long-toed lapwing (plover): Vanellus crassirostris 
43. Crowned lapwing (plover): Vanellus conronatus (
44. Helmeted guineafowl: Guttera pucherani
45. Pied wheatear: Oeanthe p. pleschanka 
46. Spotted morning thrush: Chichladusa g. guttata 
47. Marabou stork: Leptoptilus crumeniferus
48. Egyptian goose: Alopochen aegyptiacus
49. Grey-crowned crane: Balearica regulorum gibbericeps (Mt. Kenya Safari Club)
50. Red-winged starling: Onychognathus morio
51. Lilac-breasted roller: Coracias caudata

Reptiles & Amphibians

1. Striped skink: Mabuya striata
2. Red-headed rock agama: Agama agama
3. Rainbow skink: Mabuya margaritifer

4. Great plated lizard: Gerrhosaurus major

5. Leopard tortoise: Geochelone pardalis

6. Sharp-nosed rocket frog or Mascarene rocket frog: Ptychadena oxyrhynchus or Ptychadena mascareniensis
7. Tropical house gecko: Hemidactylus maboula
8. Nile monitor: Varanus niloticus


1. Dwarf mongoose: Helogale parvula
2. Impala: Aepyceros melampus
5. Giraffe: Giraffa camelopardalis
6. Vervet monkey: Cercopithecus aethiops
7. Olive baboon: Papio anubis
8. Grevy’s zebra: Equus grevyi
9. Burchell’s zebra: Equus burchelli
10. Kirk’s dik dik: Madoqua kirkii
11. Rock hyrax: Procavia capensis
12. Thomson’s gazelle: Gazella thomsoni
13. Warthog: Phacochoerus aethiopicus
14. Spotted hyena: Crocuta crocuta
15. Elephant: Loxodonta africana

16. Black-backed jackal: Canis mesomelas

17. Scrub hare: Lexus saxatilis
18. Squirrel: Xerus sp.
19. Gerenuk: Litocranius walleri


Not even going to go there – too many to keep track of! Well, if I encounter something outrageous then I will list it I am reserving entomology for my second life.


  1. I will update the species list daily. I added five more today (1 lizard, 1 tortoise!, and 3 birds). Check back frequently to see what new and exciting creatures we uncover behind the bushes!

  2. Read with interest your species seems already bigger than that of those from around here who do safari. Saw maria's mom yesterday at Conversational English with the ladies from Japan and she shared your adventures in the bush. Reacord high for the date yesterday in Los Angles 113---about 95 on the Peininsula---all night long in the high 80s.

  3. Love the species list - don't forget to update us on encounters with those other mammals -- the sapiens kind. We want to hear about them too. Love you guys!
