Sunday, September 5, 2010

Some light reading

Just a suggestion for some entertaining and extremely well-written reading - pick up A Primate's Memoir by Robert Sapolsky.  Sapolsky, a neuroscientist/ primatologist, traveled for the first time in the 1970's to Kenya to begin field work, monitoring stress levels in baboons.  This memoir chronicles some of his most challenging and inspirational cultural interactions and his most memorable encounters with our primate cousins.  An excellent resource and easy read if you are interested in knowing what our lives will soon be like.  And it might just convince you into visiting us!



  1. Ok, I trust you. I just ordered it from Amazon. I'll start it after I finish The Divided Mind (John Sarno) to learn about all the psychosomatic illnesses I could have. This is in addition to my persistent mental imbalance, of course. -- Mark

  2. Mark - Let me know what you think! I also look forward to hearing of your discovery of any (or many) mental instabilities :)
