Sunday, June 19, 2011

Taxi cab confessions

Sometimes the most interesting conversations spring up out of nowhere. I was taking a taxi home from town, and I was talking to the driver who is also my friend. He is a good man and is usually up to date with all that is going on in the area. He has a vast network of taxi driver peers that he meets with to discuss various cab-related affairs such as rates and local dangers. Up to this point he appeared to be a very peaceful person. We were discussing the quality of the roads in Kenya and why pot holes are everywhere. He told me:

"They overfill the lorries. The weight breaks the roads and it is illegal." A large truck drives by filled with rocks that Leonard points out. On top of the rocks are about ten additional people getting a ride to town. "But with enough money you can pay the police and keep the lorries overloaded."

"It seems you can just about pay for anything in this country" I said.

"Yes, anything. See that man?" Points to a man walking on the side of the road. "If you wanted to kill that man I can get it done."

"Really? How much would something like that cost?"

He holds out his fist in front of him as if holding a punch in the air. He is holding something non-existant, clenched between his fingers. " For half a million shillings, I will show you his head." I realize he is holding an imaginary head by the hair.  

I quickly changed the subject to the weather. It appears that my peaceful and insightful friend has a darker side.



  1. Hi Bennett and Maria,
    now I know never to make Bennett mad at me... lol... just kidding.
    Aunt Maria
    P.S. be safe

  2. Leonard! I had no idea he was capable of such a thing. At least you know you have a hit man if you need one ;)

  3. I'll bet the cabbies in PB have exactly the same conversations.
