Friday, June 24, 2011

Similes, analogies, and poetry. Oh my!

I am in the middle of a tedious process of combing through my stacks of field notebooks, transcribing every word, and then attempting to organize them for analysis.  Wow, what fun.

In so doing, I came across some great similes etc. authored by various girls.  And oh boy do they love constructing similes (and some are quite ingenious!).  Below are a few examples... Maria

“I was happy as a king.”

“I was as happy as a lark.”

 “I didn’t even get a pin drop of sleep.”

“I was as happy as a puppy next to its mother.”

"The results were out, and I was as eager as a bride and groom to see the results."

“I was as flabbergasted as moses when he broke the ten commandments.”

“I was as happy as Barak Obama when he was given to be president of America.”

“I was so happy that now my happiness could not be compared with that of Isaac Newton who discovered the force of gravity.”

“She was as happy as a barren woman who gave birth to a bouncing baby girl with a golden spoon in her mouth.”

"As long as diamonds remain priceless and the ocean wet, I will never ever forget Daraja Academy until I drink my cup of death."

"All in all, God lifted out love that now I can sing and stand out amazingly with no fear and I can speak in front of people with my futuristic voice that glitters and shines at the daytime." 

Below are some pictures I took at the football/volleyball tournament that Daraja recently competed in.  The competition was held at Il Polei Primary (although the events were for secondary students), about 35 minutes north east of Daraja.  We were at the location from 8:30 until sundown.  It was extremely hot and dry, yet the girls managed to play two games of football before breaking at 4:30 to eat something.  Truly amazing. 

In Kenya's version of volleyball, players can link arms before the ball is served, and then as it glides over the net quickly switch places.  One can also kick and head-butt the ball over the net.

Keeping oneself entertained between games

The primary school kids were particularly thrilled that a couple of wazungu were in attendance.  At one point we were completely encircled by 50+

Lilian and her game face.

Not much shade in Il Polei.  Boys here taking advantage of one of the few acacia trees near the field.

Jamaica doing her thing.

Volleyballers Monicah, Lilian, and Pascalina

Volleyballer Zeki, Jacinta, and Shamsia

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