Saturday, November 6, 2010


We had an overdue Halloween celebration for the Daraja girls last night.  We set up several classroom as trick or treat stations, each with a game to earn their treat.  The celebration was planned last minute;  during lunchtime an announcement was made that there was to be a party that evening and to come in costume.  Despite having little time to plan or gather materials, these girls had some of the most creative costumes I have ever seen.  The highlight of the night was the cat walk show the girls participated in, in an attempt to earn the awards of: craziest costume, best use of non-clothing items, most original, and best cat walk.  Bennet and I laughed hysterically as the girls (many with part of their costume being enhanced body parts, e.g. a pregnant belly or rotund rump) danced up and down the dining hall aisle.  Good times!
Beach bum Bennett playing the mandolin.


  1. Oh man I'm so bummed to have missed this! And glad to see that Bennett is rocking Cora's mandoline.
