Friday, July 15, 2011

Species List updated

Last time I posted this I only had 58 species of bird and 34 mammals - so there is some improvement.  Bennett and I are taking a trip next week, stopping in the Abederes mountain range, then Thompson's Falls in Nyahururu, and then on to camp in Rumuruti for Wild Camel Day.  By the conclusion, I expect that my list of birds to well exceed 100!



1. White-bellied go away bird: Criniferoides leucogaster
2. Von der Decken’s hornbill: Tockus deckeni
3. Red-billed hornbill: Tockus e. erythrorhyncus
4. Superb starling: Lamptotorns superbus 
5. Pied crow: Corvus albus
6. Wood warbler: Phylloscopus ibikatrix
7. Grey-capped social weaver: Pseudonigrita arnaudi
8. Red-billed quelea: Quelea quelea aethipica 
9. Somali ostrich: Stuthio (camelus) molybdophanes
10. Vulture guinea fowl: Acryllium vulturinum 
12. Ring-necked dove: Streptopelia capicola semalica
13. White-browed scrub robin: Cercotrichas leurophrys
14. Speckled mousebird: Colius striatus kikuyuensis
15. Greater blue-eared starling: Lamprotornis c. chloropterus 
16. Purple grenadier: Uraeginthus ianthinogasta
17. Marico sunbird: Nectarinia mariquensis snarelica 
18. D’Arnaud’s barbet: Trachyphorus darnaudii
19. Hadada ibis: Bostrychia hagedash brevivostis 
20. Cardinal woodpecker: Dendropicos fuscescens
21. Sprosser (or thrush) nightingale: Luscinia luscinia
22. Yellow-necked spurfowl: Francolinus leucoscepus 
23. Green-capped Eremomela: Eremomela scotops kikuyensis
24. Grey headed sparrow: Passer griseus 
25. Common bulbul: Pycnonotus barbatus tricolor 
26. Grey-wren warbler: Calamonastes simplex 
27. Slate-coloured bou bou: Laniarius funebris 
28. Grey-backed camaroptera: Camaroptera brachyura tincta 
29. Black-capped social weaver Pseudonigrita cabanisi
30. Wire-tailed swallow: Hirundo r. rustica
31. Southern black flycatcher: Melaenornis pammelaina
32. Fan-tailed raven: Corvus rhipidurus 
33. Common drongo: Dicrurus a. adsimilis
34. Lappet-faced vulture: Torgos t. tracheliotus
35. Laughing dove: Streptopelia s. senegalensis
36. Emerald –spotted wood dove: Turtur chalcospilos   
37. Speckle-fronted weaver: Sporopipes frontalis emini
38. Vitelline masked weaver: Ploceus velatus uluensis
39. Kori bustard: Ardeotis kori struthinunculus  
40. Speckled pigeon: Columba g. guinea (Daraja Academy, Nanyuki)
41. Rufous Chatterer: 
42. Long-toed lapwing (plover): Vanellus crassirostris 
43. Crowned lapwing (plover): Vanellus conronatus 
44. Helmeted guineafowl: Guttera pucherani
45. Pied wheatear: Oeanthe p. pleschanka 
46. Spotted morning thrush: Chichladusa g. guttata 
47. Marabou stork: Leptoptilus crumeniferus (Nairobi and Watamu)
48. Egyptian goose: Alopochen aegyptiacus
49. Grey-crowned crane: Balearica regulorum gibbericeps (Mt. Kenya Safari Club)
50. Red-winged starling: Onychognathus morio (Daraja Academy, Nanyuki)
51. Lilac-breasted roller: Coracias caudata
52. White-bellied bustard: Eupodotis senegalensis canicollis
53. Three banded plover: Charadrius t. tricollaris (Watamu)
54. Whimbrel: Numenius p. phaeopus (Watamu)
55. Angola swallow: Hirundo s. splendes (Daraja Academy, Nanyuki)
56. House crow: Covus s. splendes (Shanzu)
57. Black saw-wing or rough wing: Psalidoprocne a. albiceps
58. African firefinch: Lagonosticta rubricata hildebrandti
59. Lesser striped swallow: Hirundo semirufa gordoni (Daraja Academy, Nanyuki)
60. White-browed sparrow weaver: Plocepasser mahali melanorhynchus
61. Barn swallow: Hirundo r. rustica (Daraja)
62. Common house martin: Delichon u. urbica (Mpala)
63. Arrow-marked babbler: Turdoides jardineii emini (Daraja)
64. Ruppell’s griffon vulture: Gyps r. rueppellii (Mpala)
65. Eastern pale chanting goshawk: Melierax poliopterus
66. Chestnut sparrow: Passer eminibey 
67. Rufous sparrow: Passer r. rufocinctus
68. Baglafect weaver: Ploceus baglafecht
69. Hildebrandt’s starling: Lamprotornis hildebrandti
70. Grey heron: Ardea cinerea (Coast and Daraja in June)
71. Cattle egret: Bubulcus ibis
72. Buff-crested bustard: Eupodotis gindiana (Mpala Conservancy area)
73. Northern white-bellied bustard: Eupodotis senegalensis
74. Black-headed lapwing (plover): Vanellus tectus
75. Blacksmith lapwing (plover): Vanellus armatus (Ol Pejeta Conservancy)
76. Black-fronted bush shrike: Malaconotus nigrifrons
77. Red-billed oxpecker: Buphagus erythrorhyncus
78. Black-shouldered kite: Elanus c. caeruleus (Dol Dol Rd. before Daraja)
79. Black kite: Milvus m. migrans (Nairobi)
80. Northern white-crowned shrike: Eurocephalus rueppelli
81. Tropical bou bou: Laniarius aethiopicus (Lake Naivasha)
82. Sacred ibis: Threskiornis a. aethiopicus  (Ngong Hills)
83. Cattle egret: Bulbulcus i. ibis
84. Black-headed oriole: Oriolus larvatus rolleti (Daraja)
85. Green wood-hoopoe: Phoeniculus prupureus (Daraja)
86. Red-bellied firefinch: Lagonosticta senegala ruberrima (Daraja)
87. African orange-bellied parrot: Poicephalus r. rufiventris (Daraja)
88. Bronze sunbird: Nectarinia k. kilimensis (Daraja)
89. Lesser blue-eared starling: Lamprotornis c. chloropterus
90. Red-rumped swallow: Hirundo daurica emini (Daraja)

Reptiles & Amphibians

1. Striped skink: Mabuya striata
2. Red-headed rock agama: Agama agama
3. Rainbow skink: Mabuya margaritifer
4. Great plated lizard: Gerrhosaurus major
5. Leopard tortoise: Geochelone pardalis (SNC and Daraja)
6. Sharp nosed rocket frog or Mascarene rocket frog: Ptychadena oxyrhynchus or Ptychadena mascareniensis
7. Tropical house gecko: Hemidactylus maboula
8. Nile monitor: Varanus niloticus
9. Galapagos tortoise: (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage. Native only to the Galapagos.)


1. Dwarf mongoose: Helogale parvula
2. Impala: Aepyceros melampus
5. Giraffe: Giraffa camelopardalis
6. Vervet monkey: Cercopithecus aethiops
7. Olive baboon: Papio anubis
8. Grevy’s zebra: Equus grevyi
9. Burchell’s zebra: Equus burchelli
10. Kirk’s dik dik: Madoqua kirkii
11. Rock hyrax: Procavia capensis
12. Thomson’s gazelle: Gazella thomsoni
13. Warthog: Phacochoerus aethiopicus
14. Spotted hyena: Crocuta crocuta
15. Elephant: Loxodonta Africana
16. Black-backed jackal: Canis mesomelas
17. Scrub hare: Lexus saxatilis
18. Squirrel: Xerus sp.
19. Gerenuk: Litocranius walleri
20. Bush buck: Tragelaphus scriptus (spotted a solitary one across river – seemed a deep reddish color, rounded rump, short tail)
21. Blue/sykes monkey: Cercopithecus mitis (Gedi)
22. Patas monkey: Erythrocebus patas (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage. Native to Kenya.)
23. Guereza black and white colobus: Colobus guereza (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage. Native to Kenya.)
24. Bongo: Tragelaphus (Boocercus) euryceros (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage and Breeding Center. Native to Kenya.)
25. Pigmy hippopotamus: Hexoprotodon liberiensis (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage – not native to Kenya or Eastern Africa. Found only in Western Africa coastal areas)
26. Cape or savanna buffalo: Syncerus c. caffer (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage, Soita Nyiro Conservancy, Ol Pejeta Conservancy. Native to Kenya.)
27. Lichtenstein’s hartebeest: Sigmoceros (Alcelaphus) lichtensteini (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage. Not native to Kenya but found in Tanzania and south.)
28. Blue wildebeest (brindled gnu): Connochaetes taurinus (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage. Native to Kenya.)
29. Cheetah: Acinonyx jubatus (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage and Ol Pejeta Conservancy. Native to Kenya.)
30. Caracal: Caracal caracal (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage. Native to Kenya.)
31. North African porcupine: Hystrix cristata (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage)
32. Oryx: Oryx gazella beisa
33. Grant’s gazelle: Gazella granti
34. Camel
35. Black Rhino: Diceros bicornis (Ol Pejeta Conservancy).
36. White Rhino: Ceratotherium simum (Ol Pejeta Conservancy).
37. Common eland: Tragelaphus (Taurotragus) oryx (Ol Pejeta Conservancy).
38. Blue Duiker: Cephalophus monticola (Mt. Kenya Safari Club Orphanage. Native to South western Kenya).
39. Bat-eared fox: Otocyon megalotis 
40. Klipspringer: Oreotragus oreotragus: (Il Polei)

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