Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thesis work

In addition to my research observing baboon social behavior and feeding ecology, I will be doing research at the Daraja Academy located just outside the town of Nanyuki, in order to fulfill the requirements for my M.A. in teaching social sciences/international relations.

Here is a link to a video produced by Deborah Santana featuring the girls of Daraja (from her website):

Also, the Daraja Academy has their own official blog which highlights what the girls are working on, who is working there, and some of the issues they are encountering (both environmental and political)! There are some great photos as well.  Here's the link:

Check it out!


  1. Christine and I look forward to watching your journey through your posts -- and to visit when we're able.

  2. We look forward to your visit! I bought a mini camcorder thing today, so that I can post some interactive images from our home and our interactions with both human and non-human primates (as well as the "menagerie" of other mammals, reptiles etc.) :)

